Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Time Has Come!!

We are OFFICIALLY starting this round :o) I know there were many of us that had very good intentions with starting before Christmas - alas, it was not meant to be.

The very first step in this is being PREPARED. This lifestyle change will not happen on its own, and will not happen without some work on your part.

Start at the grocery store. On the right hand side of this blog is a list of foods that are really good choices. Try to avoid fast food, but if you must get it, make wise choices. Choose grilled chicken over crispy, no mayo, wheat whenever possible.

Take the time the next day or so to sit down and make a list to take to the store. You must have healthy options on hand to succeed.

Remember - this is a lifestyle CHANGE. You will not shed your weight overnight. You need to commit yourself to exercising as a part of your day. Look at it as a must - like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. It is not an option. It is a part of your new lifestyle.

Get me your pictures (front, back, side) and measurements if you have not already done so.

Here's to a better you ... RIGHT NOW!

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