Wednesday, November 25, 2009


We've covered the "Skinny" end of things. Now let's talk about the "Service".

Notice the blog is titled 'Skinny Service'.

It is 'Service' for a reason.

The prizes that will be awarded for weight loss and good behavior will be from each one of us.

We will set weight goals in 3 month increments. At the end of the 3 months (or when you have enough points), you will get to choose from the prizes listed. What are the prizes? Well, that is up to you.

What each one of us is going to do is to donate something of worth. Say an hours worth of house cleaning, free babysitting for a night out, a handmade blanket or quilt squares, a prepared dinner to take home and cook, a gift card, a variety of handmade cards, a ride in a fire truck around town, a personal tour of whatever.

For example: I will donate a photo session at no charge. I will also donate 1 16x16 mounted picture of your child or self. I will pledge one hour of time to clean part of a house, I will donate a delicious dessert, I will donate a crock-pot meal for your family.

Those are 5 things just off the top of my head that I personally will donate. Once all the donations are pledged, I will assign a point value to them. At the end of the 3 months, you can "purchase" what you have enough points for.

I know this can get tricky with out of state people or people who work full time. Use your imagination. Maybe you have something in your basement that someone would like. If you sew or do vinyl crafts or woodworking, that is another. Or, if you would like to donate a gift card to Target that would also be something.

Details will be worked out in the near future. For now, just be thinking of something you can donate.

This is optional. You are not going to be forced to donate a thing, and yes, you can still participate. But a good working society is one where people give selflessly to help one another.

I have had the talk with my cousin, Stacie, many times - when someone does a service for you, you are more likely to turn around and do one for them. It's the Golden Rule. Stacie once came to my house unannounced and took my kids for the day. She also brought me lunch on top of that. She wouldn't be talked out of it. She knew I was having a very hard time in my life, and she stepped in. What a huge service that was to me. I was so grateful for that time. So one day, when I knew she wouldn't be home, I went and cleaned her house for her and left before she got home. It continues to this day. We serve each other without expecting anything in return.

So keep this in mind as you are thinking and pondering.

Even if you choose to not do this or not to participate, please serve others more with no thought of yourself in return. Let's be more Christ-like in our example and actions this coming year.