Saturday, March 28, 2009

Doctor's Orders

"Don't be with someone who makes you miserable! When women say a relationship is a huge head-ache, there could be literal truth to that. Emotions can lead to very real pain." - Psychiatrist Charles Sophy, D.O.

"Read something exciting, start a puzzle habit, exercise...'Use it or lose it' applies to both physical and mental health." - Neurologist Kenneth Heilman, M.D.

"Toss your diet books, just eat a lot of multicolored foods that were recently alive. You know, like vegetables and fruits." - David P. Rakel, M.D.

"Remember that every meal is not your last. There will be another turkey dinner, another plate of spaghetti, another brownie. If you keep in mind that this is not your last chance to eat a food you love, it will e easier for you to put down your fork when you've had enough." - Barbara Rolls, Ph.D.

"Make sure your needs count. As a woman, you have a breathtaking ability to care for others, but don't relinquish your own health." - Drew Pinsky, M.D.

"Consider exercise an everyday thing, like brushing your teeth. It's the best thing you can do for your whole body." - Robert Sallis, M.D.

Thank you, Butternut Woolly Worm!

1 comment:

damsel fly said...

great advice. thanks for putting so much thought and effort into helping others. you're an angel!